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Medicines and the Pharmaceutical Sector in a Changing Environment

Published 15.10.2021Edited 22.11.2024

This research project comprises three subprojects:

  1. Systems and structures of the pharmaceutical sector and medicine life cycle in an evolving service system
  2. Rational prescribing and pharmacotherapy
  3. Evolving information systems

The goal of subproject 1 is to examine how the structures, systems, and operators of the pharmaceutical sector as well as the life cycle phase of medicines affect the use, prices, and costs of medicines. Furthermore, the subproject produces information to help with national and regional decision-making in the evolving environment of social welfare services, healthcare, and social security. In subproject 2, we produce information on prescribing practices and medicine use as well as their relationship and effects. Subproject 3 studies the effects of Kanta services’ latest features on the prescribing, use, and costs of medicines.


Project Implementation Period


Project Results 

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