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The research unit of Kela produces and interprets information about Finland’s social security system and its functionality. Our research supports the development of the social security system as well as the benefits and operations of Kela.

Kela’s research blog

In the research blog, Kela’s researchers and guest authors write about their research in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. The research blog also publishes the researchers’ current reviews on various topics as well as the researchers’ more insightful writings.

Information packages

Information packages present research and statistics based information in concise packages that help the reader to get a quick overview of the subject. Subjects range from benefits paid by Kela to larger societal issues.

Kela’s Research Publication Series

Overview of our research publication series.

Kela’s Research Programme for 2023–2025

Kela’s Research Unit carries out topical and multidisciplinary research on issues that are relevant domestically and internationally. We produce research findings that have an impact and can be utilised by society in developing social and health security.

Research projects

Kela’s research is organised into various research programs. The research projects guide which subjects and materials the researchers focus on at any given time. The topics for the projects, on the other hand, are governed by Kela’s research programme.


Kela’s Research Unit consists of about sixty researchers. You can find their contact information and special areas of expertise here.

Latest research publications

Ratkaisuja kestävän yhteiskunnan rakentamiseen: Väestön terveys- ja hyvinvointikatsaus 2025

Katsaus tarkastelee suomalaisten hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden tilaa, kehitystä ja tulevaisuutta, sekä näihin liittyviä sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen, sosiaaliturvan ja kriisinkestävyyden kysymyksiä.
Published: 27.1.2025

Joint Physical Custody and Mothers’ Life Satisfaction in Belgium, Finland, and Germany

This study examined the association between joint physical custody and mothers’ life satisfaction in Belgium, Finland, and Germany.
Published: 16.1.2025

The Importance of Self-Selection and Childcare Leave Length for Child Penalty

The child penalty is heterogeneous and highly related to the choice of leave length.
Published: 15.1.2025

Elsewhere on the website


Kela's Information Services arranges various events during the year. Most of them are seminars and webinars on various topical research questions arranged by Kela's Research Unit.

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