Statistics and Data
Kela’s statistics provide information about the Finnish social security system. The statistics aid the development of and research on the social security system.
Explore statistics and leverage data
Statistics by topic
The statistics of Kela classified according to subject area.
Statistical Database Kelasto
Kelasto is a statistical database produced by Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland.
Statistical publications
Kela publishes statistics in both printed and PDF formats.
Kela’s statistics in charts
Charts about social security as organised by Kela, provision of pensions in Finland as a whole, and unemployment benefits in Finland.
Latest contents
Kelan perustoimeentulotukitilasto
Julkaisu tarjoaa keskeiset tiedot perustoimeentulotuen saajista sekä maksetuista tuista.
Kelan sotilasavustustilasto
Julkaisu tarjoaa keskeiset tiedot sotilasavustuksen saajista sekä maksetuista avustuksista.
Kela Statistical Yearbook
Kela Statistical Yearbook presents key statistical data relating to the benefit schemes administered by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela).
Finnish statistics on medicines
The Finnish Statistics on Medicines contains data on the consumption of prescription drugs and on National Health Insurance reimbursements.
Kelan opintoetuustilasto
Julkaisu tarjoaa keskeisiä tilastoja Kelan tuista opiskelijoille.
Statistical Yearbook on Unemployment Protection in Finland
Publication presents key data on the unemployment benefits paid by unemployment funds and by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela).
Elsewhere on the website
Statistical Information Service
Contact the Statistical Information Service if you need statistics on Kela’s benefits and other operations or general information about the statistics.
Data permits and data requests
Kela’s register data can be released for instance for scientific research. This page provides instructions on how to request data permits and data.