Statistical Information Service
Contact the Statistical Information Service if you need statistics on Kela’s benefits and other operations or general information about the statistics.
The key statistics are available directly from the Kelasto statistical database. Information about Kela’s statistics is available on statistical pages and in the Aineistokatalogi ( resource.
Data requests
We provide statistical products and customised statistics for our clients’ needs. The statistics are usually delivered as Excel files. Delivery times may vary depending on the volume of data requested and the number of pending requests.
We only provide aggregate-level data. Individual-level data are made available for example for research purposes. For details see Data permits and data requests.
- EUR 128 per hour (VAT 0%)
- Readily available statistical products and data requests from government entities which are based on law are provided free of charge.
How to file a request for statistical data
Please tell us the following:
- benefit or topic which your request concerns
- period of time for which you need statistical data
- inclusion/exclusion criteria (e.g. specific geographical regions)
- classifications (e.g. age group or gender)
- statistical indicators (e.g. number of recipients/beneficiaries, expenditure on benefits in euro)
- requested date of delivery of customised statistics
- email address to which the data should be sent
- invoicing details.
Please include a sample table showing the kind of end-product you are interested in.
Send your request to:
Further information
We offer assistance free of charge on questions relating to statistics, statistical publications, the Kelasto statistical database, and the statistical information service.
We also welcome questions for example on how to interpret statistical data, variables or classifications.
Contact information
Please email your questions to