Statistics on the Kanta Services
Kela’s Kanta Services provide digital services to healthcare and social welfare providers, pharmacies and citizens. We gather statistics and monitor the use of the services and the amount of data stored in them.
Amount of data stored in the Kanta Services
Every day, more than two million new documents from healthcare and social welfare providers are stored in the Kanta Services. On this page you will find statistics on the digital patient records and client data stored in Kanta as well as the number of prescriptions.
The use of data stored in the Kanta Services
Healthcare and social welfare professionals can use the data stored in the Kanta Services when providing treatments or services. On this page you will find statistics on the use of data stored in the Kanta Services.
The use of MyKanta
Most Finnish people use MyKanta. In MyKanta, citizens can view their personal data stored in the Kanta Services and manage how their data is shared. On this page you can find information on the use and users of MyKanta.
Kanta-tietojen toisiokäyttö
Kanta-palvelujen tietoja hyödynnetään myös tiedolla johtamisessa, tutkimuksessa ja viranomaistehtävissä. Sivulta löydät tietoja tutkimusaineistojen käyttöluvan hakemisesta.
Tilastotietopyyntö Kantaan tallennetuista tiedoista
Kela voi toimittaa sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palvelunantajille tilastoja tiedoista, joita palvelunantaja on tallentanut Kantaan. Palvelunantajat voivat pyytää tietoja kertaluonteisesti tai jatkuvina tietotoimituksina.
Key figures
Key figures on Kanta Services
The Kanta Services are widely used by both public and private healthcare and social welfare providers. On this page you can view statistics on the extent to which the Kanta Services are used in Finland.