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Development project Muutos 4 (Change 4)

Published 18.4.2024Edited 5.3.2025

Changes in the rehabilitation services available through Kela can have an impact not only on individual clients but more broadly on the society at large. The studies conducted as part of Kela’s Muutos projects have focused on the consequences of these changes, particularly for rehabilitation clients, and on how they impact the clients’ lives and rehabilitation process.

The Muutos 4 project is a coordination project comprised of eight substudies. It coordinates and leads the substudies at the project level and ensures that the research results are carried into practice. The coordination project itself involves no research or data collection. The substudies are conducted by outside contractors found through an open call for tenders, or by Kela Research. Each substudy has its own research plan. Taking the form of implementation research, the substudies produce information about the rehabilitation implementation process and about the fidelity of the rehabilitation services, i.e., the extent to which they correspond to the underlying service description. The studies conducted as part of the Muutos project meet Kela’s information needs and offer actionable information for arranging Kela’s rehabilitation services and developing them further.


Project duration


Tutkimussuunnitelma, pohja (pdf)

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