Statistics on reimbursement entitlements in respect of medicines (OFS)
Edited 3.3.2025
The statistics on reimbursement entitlements in respect of medicines are based on the National Health Insurance reimbursement system for medicine expenses.
The statistics cover data on the number of
- existing entitlements to special and limited rates of reimbursement during the year and at year-end
- new entitlements granted
- entitlements ended on account of death.
Statistical publications
Statistical Database Kelasto
Click the link to generate a dynamic and editable report from the database.
How to work with reports in Kelasto.
- Existing, new and withdrawn entitlements to reimbursement of drug expenses 2019–
- Existing, new and withdrawn entitlements to reimbursement of drug expenses 1986–2018
Open data
Additional information
Contact information
Mari Ahola
Otto Kontio
Lauri Manninen