Statistics on dispensed medicines reimbursable under the National Health Insurance scheme (OFS)
Edited 3.3.2025
The statistics on dispensed medicines reimbursable under the National Health Insurance scheme (formerly compiled under the title ‘Statistics on reimbursements for prescription medicines’) are based on medicine purchases reimbursed at the pharmacy.
The statistics cover data on dispensations of reimbursable medicines, the costs associated with them, and the reimbursements potentially paid for them.
Statistical publications
- Finnish Statistics on Medicines
- Kela Statistical Yearbook
- Pocket Statistics
- Kela’s statistics in charts
Statistical Database Kelasto
Click the link to generate a dynamic and editable report from the database.
How to work with reports in Kelasto.
- Dispensations reimbursable under the NHI scheme
- Reimbursements of medicine expenses: Number of recipients and prescription data
- Filled prescriptions of reimbursable medicines according to prescriber 2020–
Additional information
Contact information
Mari Ahola
Otto Kontio
Lauri Manninen