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Social Assistance, Services and Benefits in Health and Social Services Integration

Published 1.8.2022Edited 18.4.2024

The social assistance, services and benefits in health and social services integration (ToituAvain) research entity provides information on the use of and need for last-resort security among adult social work clients. The study examines the use of social assistance by adult social work clients, the goals set in social work with the client, the practices of data transfer, the bottlenecks in receiving multidisciplinary support, and the co-operation models between Kela and municipalities. The data used are the data in Kela’s social assistance register and the data stored in the customer information systems of municipalities. The project is led by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, and the project leader is Minna Kivipelto. Kela and the University of Eastern Finland are involved in the project. The project is funded by the Foundation for Municipal Development (KAKS) and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.


Project Implementation Period


Project Results

Cooperation Partners

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