Statistics on basic social assistance (OFS)
Edited 3.3.2025
Social assistance, or income support, is a last-resort form of financial assistance for individuals and families which covers some of the basic necessities of life.
The statistics on basic social assistance contain data on
- number of individual and household recipients of the assistance
- payments of basic social assistance
- applications for social assistance and service referral notifications sent by Kela to the municipal authorities.
Statistical publications
Statistical database Kelasto
The link opens up to a user-customisable statistical report.
The links to the reports were updated on 11 December 2018. If the default language of your browser is English, the reports will be displayed in English.
- Basic social assistance paid by Kela
- Households receiving basic social assistance
- Recipients of basic social assistance
- Basic social assistance: Follow-up of the application processing time guarantee
- Notifications and applications for social assistance sent by Kela to municipal authorities
Open data
- Recipients of basic social assistance (
- Expenditure on basic social assistance paid out by Kela and payments returned (
- Basic social assistance: Recipient households (
Additional information
Contact information
Markus Valle
Tuomas Sarparanta