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Effects of Employment-Promoting Vocational Rehabilitation (TEAK) on Employment

Published 1.1.2023Edited 5.3.2025

Kela’s research has launched the Kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuus (Rehabilitation Effectiveness) research programme. This study is part of that programme and examines the effects of Kela’s vocational rehabilitation (TEAK) on employment. Previous research has focused above all on examining the functionality of rehabilitation services and developing the services.

The key research questions are how those who participated in the TEAK service find employment after the end of their rehabilitation and how their careers appear before, during, and after rehabilitation. In addition, we will examine how various factors, such as employment and unemployment history, morbidity, and sociodemographic factors, are linked to employment and the start of studies for those who have participated in the TEAK service.

The research group consists of those who received a positive TEAK rehabilitation decision in 2021 and 2022 and who started rehabilitation by the end of 2022. A control group with which the research group is compared will be matched from a sample of the population. Register research in a longitudinal setting will be used as the research frame. The data consists of register data from Kela, the Finnish Centre for Pensions, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and Statistics Finland, as well as of the Tax Administration’s Incomes Register data for the period 2019–2023. The data are analysed using statistical methods. The study provides information on the effectiveness of the TEAK service from the perspective of one of its key objectives, i.e. employment.


Project Implementation Period


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