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Notifications and applications for social assistance sent by Kela to municipal authorities 2021–

Edited 11.4.2024

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Data content

The report contains data on the number of service referral notifications sent by Kela to municipal authorities in cases involving social assistance.

The notifications can be selected both by the type of notification and the level or urgency.

The regional data are based on the municipality receiving the notification.


Näkökulma valinta vaikuttaa esitettäviin muuttujiin ja luokituksiin.

  • Comparison by region
  • Time series

Variables and classifications

  • Reference period: Year, Current year, Month
  • Time: Sisältö muodostuu valitun aikatyypin mukaan.
    Oletusvalintana on viimeisimmän vuoden vuosikertymä. Raportille voi valita yhtä aikaa yhden tai useamman tilastojakson.
  • Geographical focus: Whole country, Regions, Regions and municipalities, Wellbeing services counties, Wellbeing services counties and municipalities, Municipalities
  • Region: Sisältö muodostuu valitun aluetason mukaan.
    Raportille voi valita yhtä aikaa yhden tai useamman alueen.
  • Type of notification: Application; Reduced basic amount; Social work needed; Unemployed person under 25, on social assistance for 4 months; Unemployed person 25 or over, on social assistance for 12 months; Immigrant, on social assistance for over 2 months
  • Level of urgency: Non-urgent notifications, Urgent notifications

Availability of statistics

Data available starting 1 January 2017.

Updating frequency

Updated on the first day of each month.

Data source

A complete dataset compiled from the information system for service referral notifications (eTOTU) maintained by Kela.

Additional information

Contact information

Kela, Statistical Information Service

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