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Family leave compensation paid to employers 2017–

Edited 27.2.2025

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Data content

The report contains data on family leave compensation paid to employers.

Employers can claim family leave compensation for costs due to female employees becoming parents. Family leave compensation is a one-time payment of EUR 2,500 available to employers who pay full-time employees salary during at least one month of the maternity leave. An employer that pays an adoptive mother salary during her parental leave is also eligible for family leave compensation. A prerequisite for family leave compensation is that the employee must have at least 3 months’ service before the maternity leave or, in the case of an adoptive mother, before the parental leave, and that the employment must last at least one year. The purpose of family leave compensation is to reduce the costs incurred by employers due to family leaves, especially in industries dominated by women.

Recipients here refer to mothers whose employers have been paid family leave compensation. The report also contains data on the number of employers that have received the compensation during the statistical reference period. The regional data in the report are based on the recipients’ municipality of residence at the end of the reference period. The recipients are included in the statistics for the age group corresponding to their age at the end of the reference period.


Depending on the perspective selected, a different set of variables and classifications are presented. The perspectives are

  • analysis by region
  • time series
  • basic information.

Variables and classifications

  • Reference period: Year, Cumulative annual total, Month
  • Time: The content presented depends on the selected reference period.
    The default selection is the latest month. One or several reference periods can be selected for a single report.
  • Geographical focus: Whole country, Regions, Regions and municipalities, Wellbeing services counties, Wellbeing services counties and municipalities, Municipalities.
  • Region: The content presented depends on the selected regional level.
    One or several regions can be selected for a single report.
  • Age group: : 5-year age groups
  • Nature of employment relationship: Full-time, Part-time
  • Duration of fixed-term employment relationship: Up to 1 year, More than 1 year and up to 2 years, More than 2 years, Not fixed-term

Availability of statistics

Data available as from 1 January 2017.

Updating frequency

Updated monthly. Annual data updated in January.

Data source

A complete dataset sourced from the processing system for daily allowances for parents, the payments management system and the population data maintained by Kela

Additional information

Contact information

Kela, Statistical Information Service

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