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Statistics on daily allowances for parents

Edited 18.6.2024

The statistics on daily allowances for parents present a picture of the economic security of families with a newborn or adopted child.

Under the Act that entered into force on 1 August 2022, the parental allowances comprise

  • pregnancy allowance
  • special pregnancy allowance
  • parental allowance
  • partial parental allowance.

The statistics on daily allowances for parents provide data on

  • recipients of allowances
  • reimbursed days of allowances
  • allowances paid
  • new periods of allowances and periods of allowances concluded.

Statistical publications

Statistical database Kelasto

Click the link to generate a dynamic and editable report from the database.
How to work with reports in Kelasto.

Open data

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Contact information

Siru Keskinen
Reeta Pösö


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