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Basic social assistance paid by Kela 2017–

Edited 11.4.2024

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Data content

Gross and net expenditure on basic social assistance paid out by Kela.

The gross expenditure includes non-zero payments only. The net expenditure also includes payments returned. The assistance funded fully by the state is differentiated from the assistance funded equally between the state and municipalities.

The reference period for the statistics is based on the effective date of payment.

Regional data are based on the municipality of residence of the members of the recipient households. If a single household has two municipalities of residence, the assistance payments are divided between the relevant municipalities according to the respective length of residence.

The report only covers the municipalities in mainland Finland. Because the Åland Islands have separate legislation on social assistance, applications for and payments of social assistance in the Åland Islands are not handled by Kela.


Depending on the perspective selected, a different set of variables and classifications are presented.

  • Comparison by region
  • Time series

Variables and classifications

  • Measure: Gross expenditure, Net expenditure
  • Reference period: Year, Current year, Month
  • Time: The content presented depends on the selected reference period.
    The default selection is the latest month. In the time series perspective, one or several periods can be selected for a single report.
  • Geographical focus: Whole country, Regions, Regions and municipalities, Wellbeing services counties, Wellbeing services counties and municipalities, Municipalities
  • Region: The content presented depends on the selected regional level.
    One or several regions can be selected for a single report.

Availability of statistics

Data available starting 1 January 2017.

Updating frequency

Updated on the 10th day of each month. Annual data are updated on 10 January.

Data source

A complete dataset sourced from the processing system for social assistance and Kela's payments management system.

Additional information

Contact information

Kela, Statistical Information Service

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