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Exchange of data on EESSI cases 2020–

Edited 28.1.2025

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The EESSI system (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information) simplifies the exchange of information between social security institutions. The system is used when processing cases related to social security that concern several countries. 27 EU countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) participate in the electronic exchange of information. Via the system, the social security institutions in the member countries can exchange information speedily and safely. The EESSI system was introduced in Finland in December 2019.

Structured Electronic Documents (= SEDs), i.e. messages are sent and received by the competent institutions of the member countries that handle the benefits determined in the EU Regulations on social security. The messages in turn form Business Use Cases (BUCs), also referred to as EESSI cases. They constitute a variety of scenarios and processes describing the types of messages sent in a BUC and how they are transmitted via the EESSI system. For example, an application for an old-age pension can constitute an EESSI case. Each EESSI case represents a particular BUC type, of which there are about one hundred. One SED can be associated with several types of BUC.

Currently more than 70 Finnish social insurance institutions use the EESSI system. In Finland, the participants in the information exchange via EESSI are Kela, the Finnish Centre for Pensions (Eläketurvakeskus), the Finnish Workers’ Compensation Center, the accident insurance providers, the TE Services, the Employment Fund and the unemployment funds.

In preparation for the introduction of the system, each EU country has established a national contact point. Kela is responsible for operating the Finnish access point. Via the contact point, information is exchanged between the Finnish authorities and the social security institutions in the other EU countries. The countries that participate in EESSI have in total more than 6,000 social security institutions.

For statistical purposes, EESSI cases are recorded in a specific reference period based on the indicator selected (either the number of new EESSI cases or the number of EESSI cases): EESSI cases can a) appear for the first time across the entire dataset or b) appear in the dataset for a specific period of time. The report includes EESSI cases where a Finnish institution is either the case owner or the counter party. EESSI cases are classified in the report according to sector, country and BUC type.

Data on the exchange of data are available from January 2020.


Depending on the perspective selected, a different set of variables and classifications are presented. The perspectives are

  • EESSI cases by sector
  • EESSI cases by country
  • EESSI cases by BUC type.

Variables and classifications

  • Reference period: Year, Cumulative annual total, Month. For example, the cumulative annual total 2022/01-11 refers to data accumulated between January and November 2022. Please note that the report only includes a specific EESSI case once per statistical period (month, cumulative annual total or year). For example, if the same EESSI case is recorded in the months of January, February and October in the same calendar year, it is counted as one case if the time period selected is either that year or the cumulative annual total in which those months are included.
  • Time: The content presented depends on the selected time period. The default selection is the latest month. One or several periods can be selected for a single report. When selecting a time period, please take into account the limitations mentioned in connection with the type of time period.
  • Role of the Finnish institution: Case Owner, Counter Party. All roles are the default selection.
  • Sector: Pension, Horizontal, Applicable legislation, Family benefits, Collection, Illness, Miscellaneous, Accidents and occupational diseases, Unemployment. All sectors are the default selection.
  • Country: EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom. All countries are the default selection. Note that if you select ‘Finland’ in the menu, the results will show the exchange of data on EESSI cases from and to Finland.


  • Number of new EESSI cases: The sum of EESSI cases in a specific reference period that appear in the dataset for the first time.
  • Number of EESSI cases: The sum of EESSI cases appearing in a specific reference period.

Availability of statistics

Data available as from 1 January 2020.

Updating frequency

Updated on the 8th day of each month. Annual data are updated on 8 January.

Data source

Kela’s data warehouse, with data on the message exchange from the EESSI system.

Additional information

Contact information

Kela, Statistical Information Service

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