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Allowances for parents: Number of recipients and allowances paid out 2022–

Edited 4.2.2025

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Data content

This report shows the number of recipients of allowances for parents, the allowances paid, the number of reimbursed days, and the average rate of allowance. The data can be analysed as a time series, by region, by age and sex, or by benefit and sex.

The following benefits are available under the new law: pregnancy allowance, special pregnancy allowance, parental allowance and partial parental allowance. They are paid for children whose estimated due date is 4 September 2022 or later. The following benefits are available under the old law (SVL 1224/2004): maternity allowance, special maternity allowance, paternity allowance, parental allowance and partial parental allowance. These allowances can be paid until the end of 2024 to families whose payment began before the reform came into effect.


Depending on the perspective selected, a different set of variables and classifications are presented. The perspectives are

  • comparison by region
  • time series
  • sex.

Variables and classifications

The following variable is only shown when gender is the selected perspective:

Classification used in the report:

  • Reference period: Cumulative annual total, Month
  • Time: The content presented depends on the selected reference period.
    The default selection is the latest month. In the time series perspective, one or several periods can be selected for a single report.
  • Geographical focus: Whole country, Regions, Regions and municipalities, Wellbeing services counties, Wellbeing services counties and municipalities, Municipalities
    The regional data are based on the recipient’s municipality of residence at the end of the reference year or as of their date of death. The regional classification is based on the current year’s situation.
  • Region: The content presented depends on the selected regional level.
    One or several regions can be selected for a single report.
  • Sex: Men, Women
  • Age group: 5-year age groups
  • Benefit: Benefits available under the current law and the old law (SVL 1224/2004)

Availability of statistics

Data available as from 1 January 2022.

Updating frequency

Updated monthly. Annual data updated in January.

Data source

A complete dataset sourced from the processing system for allowances for parents, the payments management system and the population data maintained by Kela.

Additional information

Contact information

Kela, Statistical Information Service

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