Statistics on occupational health care (OFS)
Edited 3.3.2025
The statistics on occupational health care contain data on Finnish occupational health services for which Kela provides reimbursement. The statistics cover
- employer-provided occupational health care
- occupational health care for self-employed persons.
The statistics offer data on
- employees covered by occupational health services
- self-employed persons who have been compensated for occupational health costs
- procedure/service (number or hours)
- occupational health costs
- compensations for occupational health costs.
Statistical publications
Statistical Database Kelasto
Click the link to generate a dynamic and editable report from the database.
How to work with reports in Kelasto.
- Occupational health care for employers: Number of persons covered and reimbursements paid out
- Occupational health care for self-employed persons: Number of recipients and reimbursements paid out
Additional information
Contact information
Mari Ahola
Otto Kontio