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Childcare Arrangements in Families Living in Helsinki (HELA)

Published 1.4.2020Edited 7.3.2024

The project studies the childcare choices in different families and situations and as the conditions change. The HELA project combines data on families with children in early childhood education and care (ECEC) provided by the City of Helsinki with Kela’s benefit register data from 2008–2020. The HELA project is carried out together with the City of Helsinki’s Urban Research and Statistics Unit.

Longitudinal data provides information on the care paths of individual families and children from the end of parental leave until the children start school as well as on temporal changes in childcare choices and related factors. Furthermore, the project analyses the connection between childcare choices and subsequent wellbeing of the parents and children. The project comprises several substudies.

Project publications

Anita Haataja, Hanna Ahlgren-Leinvuo, Sanna Ranto and Maria Valaste: Lastenhoitoratkaisut helsinkiläisissä lapsiperheissä (PDF). (Child care decisions of families with children in Helsinki) Kela ja Helsingin kaupunki, Tutkimuksia 2017. 


Project Implementation Period


Cooperation Partner

  • Urban Research and Statistics Unit at Helsinki City

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