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EESSI statistics are now available on Kela’s Tietotarjotin data portal

Published 21.6.2023Edited 29.6.2023

The EESSI system (Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information) simplifies the exchange of information between social security institutions. The system is used when processing cases related to social security that concern several countries. In Finland, EESSI statistics are compiled by Kela. The published reports have to do with the exchange of information from or to Finland.

27 EU countries and Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland) participate in the electronic exchange of information. The countries that participate in EESSI have in total more than 6,000 social security institutions. Via the system, the social security institutions in the member countries can exchange information speedily and safely. When all EU countries have started using the system for electronic exchange of information, the sending of paper forms between the social security institutions will end.

Introduced in Finland in December 2019, the EESSI system is currently used by more than 70 Finnish social security institutions. In Finland, the participants in the information exchange via EESSI are Kela, the Finnish Centre for Pensions (Eläketurvakeskus), the Finnish Workers’ Compensation Centre, the accident insurance providers, the TE Services, the Employment Fund and the unemployment funds. The exchange of information has started in stages at both Kela and other Finnish social security institutions.

Structured Electronic Documents (= SEDs), i.e. messages are sent and received by the competent institutions of the member countries that handle the benefits determined in the EU Regulations on social security. The messages in turn form Business Use Cases (BUCs), also referred to as EESSI cases. They constitute a variety of scenarios and processes describing the types of messages sent in an EESSI case and how they are transmitted via the EESSI system.

The reports can be used to look up a variety of information, including the number of messages sent between Finland and another country

Just like EESSI cases, messages too are divided among the following sectors: pension, horizontal, applicable legislation, family benefits, collection, illness, miscellaneous, accidents and occupational diseases, and unemployment. For example in the pension sector, one possible type of EESSI case is ‘application for old-age pension’.

The reports cover both the number of messages and the number of EESSI cases. In Finland, Kela is responsible for the national EESSI statistics. Consequently, the reports show the exchange of information either to or from Finland.

The report focusing on the transmission of messages, for example, can help users find an answer to such questions as how many messages related to the family benefits sector were transmitted between Finland and Sweden in a given month.

The report dealing with EESSI case communications can tell users for instance the number applications for survivors’ pensions for which data were transmitted between Finland and Denmark in a given year using the EESSI system. Users can also view the reports in English by switching the default language of their browser to English.

Read more: 

EESSI message exchange 2020–(Opens in a new tab)

Exchange of data on EESSI cases 2020–(Opens in a new tab)

System for electronic exchange of information EESSI

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