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Kela’s 2023 data balance sheet has been published

Published 24.4.2024Edited 24.5.2024

The data balance sheet is an easy-to-understand summary of informational operations at Kela, illustrating through case studies how Kela uses and processes data.

The data balance sheet is an easy-to-understand summary of informational operations at Kela, illustrating through case studies how Kela uses and processes data.

Kela processes data every day, both in delivering social security and in providing Kanta Services. Kela also receives, shares and uses data and produces studies, statistics, datasets, and open data.

In the annual data balance sheet, Kela’s informational operations are described transparently and in an easy-to-understand format.

“The data balance sheet illustrates the implementation of Kela’s strategy from the perspective of the data, datasets, data exchange and Kanta Services produced at Kela. The data balance sheet explains the data and how we use it, making the process more transparent,” says Arto Vuori, Director of Information Services at Kela.

This year’s data balance sheet illustrates Kela operations through case studies. It describes research reports and projects, long-term time sequences in statistics compilation, the diabetes quality register based on Kela data, the evolution of the Kanta Services that we produce and the ways in which we manage data in our operations and engage in knowledge-based management.

The publication includes indicators outlining how diverse, effective and extensive Kela’s informational operations are. The data balance sheet explains the key principles and practices of responsible and secure data processing and use at Kela.

Improving data availability and using data to boost effectiveness constitute one of Kela’s strategic objectives.

“Legislation should be further developed so as to better enable Kela to offer and process data for use by employment authorities or wellbeing services counties, for instance,” Vuori says.

Kela published its third data balance sheet in 2024.

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Kela´s 2023 Data balance sheet

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