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How to work with reports in Kelasto

What is the Statistical Database Kelasto?

Kelasto is a statistical database produced by Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. Kelasto contains key statistical data on the social security schemes administered by Kela. Kelasto provides access to editable reports containing statistical data compiled by Kela, which users can use to generate their own reports with whatever criteria they wish. Kelasto is intended for everyone interested in the statistical data compiled by Kela.

Kelasto reports by topic

What data does Kelasto include?

Kelasto primarily includes information about recipients of Kela benefits, total benefit expenditures, and averages rates of benefit. Additionally, it contains data on claims for benefit received as well as claims determinations and turnaround times. Besides the national level, data is also available at various regional levels, including municipalities.

Reports are grouped in the table of contents according to topic and benefit. The following topics are included: Conscripts, Housing benefits, Medicines, Pensioners, Rehabilitation, Families with children, Students, Sickness and incapacity, Social assistance (income support), Unemployment and Disability.

Selecting search criteria from a list

You can select criteria from a list to create the type of report you want. 

Select several rows at a time by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the rows you want to include. Alternatively, you can drag across several rows to select them. By clicking on ‘All’ in the top right-hand corner of the selection list you can select or de-select all of the rows.

To change the height or width of the selection list, click and drag the triangle in the bottom right-hand corner of the list.

To go back to the default selection, click the link titled ‘Default selections’.

To create a report, click on ‘Create report >>’ to the bottom right.

Once you have created your report and wish to return your earlier selections, click the Edit the report link to the left (back arrow). Do not use the Back key in the browser menu. If you use the Back key to return to the selection screen, your selections may not be retained.

Location of variables and variable settings

You can change the location of the variables shown in the report (differentiators, rows and columns). You can use specific variables to split the data into discrete tables, for example by gender. The report data (i.e., the content of the first menu) are always presented in the form of a column variable.

First, select a variable under ‘Placement of variables’. You can then move it up or down on the list or remove it, in which case the variable is transferred to the first list, where it can be selected as a differentiator, row or column variable.

Variables removed from the report are not shown on the report. However, if you select a variable that is on the list of removed variables, the content of the report is modified to reflect your selection.

You can also make the following selections under ‘Regional settings’:

  • Reference year for the regional classification. Here you can specify for instance the year that the report should refer to when presenting data arranged regionally.
  • Whether numerical codes should be displayed in the regional selection (default is off).

You can also change the following settings:

  • Chronological order of the data: descending (default) or ascending. Descending means that the most recent data are shown first (for example, newest months first)
  • Format: whether the report is displayed on the screen or presented as a PDF or Excel file.
  • PDF page orientation: vertical or horizontal

Saving your report

You can save your report as a PDF (.pdf) or Excel (.xls) file.

Link to the report

Once you have made the selections you want and have created a report, you can create a link to the report. It will give you direct access to the report. The link includes all of the selections and changes to the settings you have made.

The data included in the linked report are updated automatically, which means for example that data for the most recent month are added to the report automatically.

You can save the link as a bookmark in your browser or forward it in an email, for example.

Additional information

By clicking on Additional information, you can access a more detailed description of a selected report as well as look up contact details in case you need further information.

Updating of reports

Monthly data is updated on the 21st of each month (the data for December is e.g. updated on 21 January). Annual data is updated in the month specified in the section ‘Updating frequency’ on the page ‘Details about the report’. Most of the annual data is updated in January.

Rights of data use

Statistics Database Kelasto is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( (CC BY 4.0). Source: Kela, attribution required.

Data protection

When the number of recipients in a municipality is fewer than four, it is displayed as two dots to prevent the indirect identification of individuals.

Reports requiring a log-in

Certain Kelasto reports intended for a limited range of users require users to log in with their personal online bank user ID and password. These include the drug prescription reports, whose intended target group are doctors.

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