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Regional overview

The Regional overview tool provides data on Kela’s benefits to the wellbeing services counties and municipalities in a visual format.

We recommend that you use Regional overview only on a computer monitor. Regional overview does not work on mobile devices and works only partially with screen reader software for the time being.

Go to the data visualisation

Regional overview provides comprehensive information on benefits divided by region

Using Regional overview you can

  • view information on the recipients and payments of benefits
  • view information on the recipients of benefits by population group
  • compare wellbeing services counties or municipalities
  • monitor changes in the amounts of benefits paid (in euros).

Link to instructions for using Regional overview

Benefits in Regional overview

You can view data about almost all of Kela’s benefits under the Summary tab. The thematically divided tabs have more data on specific benefits.

The Summary tab of Regional overview includes the following benefits and benefit categories:

  • basic social assistance
  • child benefit
  • child care allowances
  • child maintenance allowance
  • compensations for annual leave costs
  • compensations for family leave costs
  • conscript’s allowance
  • disability benefits
  • financial aid for students
  • general housing allowance
  • guarantee pension
  • housing allowance for pensioners
  • interest assistance for student loans
  • maternity grant
  • parental allowance
  • pension assistance
  • pension benefits (excluding guarantee pensions)
  • rehabilitation
  • rehabilitation allowance
  • ​​​​​​reimbursements for medical care expenses
  • special care allowance
  • school transport subsidy
  • sickness allowances
  • student loan compensation
  • unemployment benefits.​​​​

The thematically divided tabs have more comprehensive benefit-specific information on the following benefits:

  • basic social assistance
  • Kela disability pensions
  • labour market subsidies partly financed by municipalities
  • vocational rehabilitation.

Regional overview documentation by theme

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