Finnish upper secondary and higher education students with mental health problems and their perspectives on academic performance, social well-being, and seeking and receiving support
Mental health problems are common among students, and many mental health disorders emerge in adolescence and young adulthood. Mental health disorders are linked to academic performance and dropping out. This study investigates the experiences related to studying, social well-being, and seeking and receiving support among Finnish upper secondary and higher education students with self-reported mental health problems.
The research data consist of two national student surveys: the School Health Survey 2019 and the University Student Health Survey 2016. Descriptive methods and logistic regression analysis were used in the analysis of the data.
According to the results, mental health problems were more common among students in general upper secondary education than among those in vocational education and training. In higher education, there were only minor differences between university and university of applied sciences students. Compared to other students, those with mental health problems had more difficulties with studies and academic skills as well as with social wellbeing. Furthermore, the use of healthcare and student support services was more common among students with mental health problems than among other students. Women used health services and expressed a need for support more often than men did. There were also differences in the use of services depending on the education sector. Among upper secondary students, family background was not related to the use of the services.
When developing student support services and study environments, it is important to take into account the experiences of students with mental health problems as well as the multitude of ways mental health problems affect academic performance and social well-being.
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Johanna Korkeamäki, Minna Parkkila, Erja Poutiainen
Additional information
- Peer-Reviewed: yes.
- Open Access: yes.
Cite as: Korkeamäki, J., Parkkila, M., & Poutiainen, E. (2023). Toisen ja korkea-asteen opiskelijoiden mielenterveysongelmien yhteys koettuun opintosuoriutumiseen, sosiaaliseen hyvinvointiin sekä tuen hakemiseen ja saamiseen. Kela.