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Lower Threshold for  Claiming?  Basic  Social  Assistance  Recipiency  in  Helsinki  Before and  After  the  Centralisation Reform

Published 31.5.2024


In  2017,  basic  social  assistance  (BSA)  was  centralised  and  transferred  from  the  municipalities to Kela, a national-level organisation. This study explores how the reform is reflected in the number of claimants and recipients of BSA as well as the duration of recipiency in Helsinki. The research is based on comprehensive register data from 2011 to 2019. Background variables include age, gender, marital status, nationality, income level, and receiving other benefits paid by Kela. According to the results, claiming BSA became more common in all groups and, in some groups, also the recipiency became more common after the reform. Young people, foreign citizens and recipients of other benefits from Kela claimed and received BSA more  often  after  the  reform.  The  length  of  BSA  recipiency  shortened  in  almost all groups, particularly among those aged 65 and over. At least in Helsinki, the threshold for claiming BSA appears to have lowered after the reform.

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Tuija Korpela, Hanna-Mari Heinonen, Markku Laatu

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Korpela, T., Heinonen, H.-M., & Laatu, M. (2024). Madaltuiko asiointikynnys? Perustoimeentulotukiasiakkuus Helsingissä ennen ja jälkeen Kela-siirron. Janus Sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti, 32(2), 151–169.

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