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Employment and Social Security Benefits After the Maximum Period of Partial Sickness Allowance

Published 14.6.2022


The purpose of partial sickness allowance is to support the remaining work ability and return to work after a period of disability. This study examined employment and the receipt of social security benefits after the maximum period of partial sickness allowance (120 allowance days). The study utilized register data retrieved from Kela, from the Finnish Center for Pensions and from Statistics Finland. Persons aged 20–62 who reached the maximum period of partial sickness allowance during 2017 (N=3097) were identified from Kela’s registers. The subjects' subsequent employment status and use of benefits were examined immediately after, one month after and one year after the end of the last partial sickness allowance period. The results showed that immediately after the maximum period of partial sickness allowance, the majority (83 %) continued to work without concurrently receiving any partial benefits. However, the probability of being employed without benefits decreased as the follow-up period increased. Only a few started to receive full sickness allowance after the partial sickness allowance entitlement expired. On the other hand, 12 % immediately moved to some disability pensions, mostly to partial disability pensions. After one month, 15 % and after one year 25 % were on partial disability pensions. Thus, for many recipients of partial sickness allowance, part-time work supported by partial benefits seems to be stabilized during the partial sickness benefit period with partial disability pension as the next step.

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Jenni Blomgren, Mikko Laaksonen, Riku Perhoniemi

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: no.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Blomgren, J., Laaksonen, M., & Perhoniemi, R. (2022). Työssä jatkaminen ja sosiaaliturvaetuudet osasairauspäivärahan enimmäisajan jälkeen. Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja, 65(2), 45–59.

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