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Telerehabilitation in the Finnish Outpatient Rehabilitation Setting From the Perspective of the Socio-Technical Systems Theory

Published 3.8.2023



In the development of effective telerehabilitation (TR) interventions, understanding the various characteristics affecting its practice is essential. Remote connection creates a new technically shaped environment for therapy and, therefore, previous therapy methods do not work the same way as before.


The objective of this survey was to describe the practice of TR through the socio-technical theory approach. Methods: The 629 respondents to the online questionnaire included music therapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, and neuropsychologists. The materials consisted of five open-ended questions. The analysis combined data-based and theory-based analysis.


In the data-based content analysis, we identified three main categories and eight generic categories, whereas in the theory-based, we categorised the main results according to the Fit Between Individuals, Tasks, Technology, and Environment (FITTE) framework dimensions. TR is everyday-life based, it requires shared participation, and the approach has to include coaching and collaboration with the client and their close associates. The everyday-life environment is one of the main dimensions that affect all the other dimensions.


TR can be seen as technology-mediated home-based rehabilitation, as it can integrate rehabilitation into the client’s everyday life. In TR, therapy becomes multilateral and it creates a new kind of shared partnership into outpatient therapy.

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Tuija Partanen, Riitta Seppänen-Järvelä, Sinikka Hiekkala, Jari Lindh

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Partanen, T., Seppänen-Järvelä, R., Hiekkala, S., & Lindh, J. (2023). Telerehabilitation in the Finnish Outpatient Rehabilitation Setting from the Perspective of the Socio-Technical Systems Theory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(15), 6519.

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