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Updating Education and Information Sources of Biologic Medicines – Survey for Dispensers and Pharmacists Working in Finnish Community Pharmacies

Published 1.1.2023



The use and costs of biologic medicines are increasing. Pharmacist-led substitution of biologic medicines has been suggested as a mean to diminish this increase. Even if pharmacist-led substitution was not introduced in Finland, pharmacists continue to have a vital role in advising patients. Pharmacists’ perceptions and knowledge of biologic medicines and their interchangeability have been studied previously, but research on the education and information sources of biologic medicines is lacking. The aim of this study was to examine community pharmacists’ updating education and information sources of biologic medicines and their opinions on pharmacist-led substitution of biologic medicines in Finland. 

Material and methods

This study was executed as a survey for pharmacists working in the community pharmacies in autumn 2019. Survey was sent for the 
members of The Finnish Pharmacists' Association and The Finnish Pharmacists' Society. Structured answers were analyzed using frequencies, percentages and cross-tabulation for descriptive analysis. Associations between categorical variables were assessed by Pearson’s χ2. Open-ended answers were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. 


In total, 168 pharmacists responded the survey (4%). A third (31%, n = 52) of the respondents reported they have received updating training on biologic medicines during their working career. Almost all respondents (97%, n = 161) were interested in additional training. 
Respondents most commonly used databases and other health care professionals and colleagues as information sources on biologic 
medicines. Respondents with less than five years of working experience used databases most often (p = 0.001). In open-ended answers 
(n = 38), the need for additional training was most commonly reported (n = 20). Twelve responders expressed their thoughts on pharmacist-led substitution of biologic medicines in their open-ended answers. Seven responders supported the introduction of pharmacist-led substitution, while five responders expressed being not ready to substitute biologic medicines in community pharmacies. 


Pharmacists have received some updating training on biologic medicines, but additional education is needed. Pharmacists have, and 
continue to have, an important role in advising patients on biologic medicines. Thus, pharmacists’ expertise should be ensured and access 
to timely information sources should be confirmed.

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Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Sarnola, K., Kauppinen, H., & Siitonen, P. (2023). Täydennyskoulutus ja tiedonlähteet biologisista lääkkeistä: kyselytutkimus apteekissa työskenteleville farmaseuteille ja proviisoreille. Dosis, 39(1), 36-49.

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