Current State, Challenges and Future of Social Security for Children and Families: Final Report of the Working Group on Social Security and Services for Children and Families
Development needs have been identified in the benefit system for children and families, and it has been considered relevant to address these needs as part of the ongoing social security reform. To support the preparatory work of the parliamentary Social Security Committee (2020–2027), a working group on social security and services for children and families (1 February 2022–1 March 2023) was appointed under the Committee with a view to
strengthening expertise regarding benefits and the service system for children and families.
The working group was tasked with examining the benefit system for children and families as a whole and producing information for the Social Security Committee on the need to reform the system and on possible solutions to the key problems.
The final report of the working group includes a description of the basis for reforming the social security of children and families. The report describes the current situation concerning the birth rate, family diversity, reconciliation of work and family life and factors related to the vulnerable position of children. It also provides information on the key allowances and benefits for children and families. Moreover, the report presents the development needs identified in the social security of children and families and in the legislation on child maintenance, and contains the proposals for reforming the benefit system for children and families which are based on the work of the working group and included in the interim report of the Social
Security Committee. In addition to the proposals, the report includes observations made by the working group regarding income security for families.
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Working group on social security and services for children and families
Additional Information
- Peer-Reviewed: no.
- Open Access: yes.
- Cite as: Lasten ja perheiden sosiaaliturva ja palvelut -työryhmä. (2023). Lasten ja perheiden sosiaaliturvan nykytila, haasteet ja tulevaisuus: Lasten ja perheiden sosiaaliturva ja palvelut -työryhmän loppuraportti. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.