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Substance Use Is Associated With a Risk for Suicidal Behaviour in Adolescents

Published 7.1.2022


Adolescence is a developmental period when incidence rates of mental health disorders and suicidal behaviours increase. Asynchronous maturation of the brain regions predisposes adolescents to impulsiveness and immediate reward seeking. Thus, there is a risk for substance use and related adverse consequences. Substance use trends among Finnish adolescents have been mainly decreasing or stable in the last two decades. However, at the same time there is an alarming trend towards polarization between well-being and substance use .

The risk factors for suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, suicide, and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) overlap but also differ. Prior suicide attempts and NSSI are major risk factors for subsequent suicide. Mental health disorders are other typical risk factors, especially major depressive disorder, substance use disorders, and psychiatric comorbidity. One subtype of adolescents with suicide risk is those with impulsive and antisocial symptoms and related substance use.

Studies with adolescent populations have demonstrated that use of diverse substances and early substance use associate with major psychiatric disorders. Intoxication is a proximal risk factor for suicidal behaviour due to a loss of impulse inhibition. Practically all substance use is associated with suicidality. The risk increases with cumulative substance use. Cannabis is often perceived to have minor risks but is associated with suicidal ideation and attempts among adolescents. In conclusion, adolescent mental health and substance use problems should be treated simultaneously in an integrated fashion.

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Juhana Jokimies, Joni Liskola, Henna Haravuori

Additional Information 

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Jokimies, J., Liskola, J., & Haravuori, H. (2022). Päihteiden käyttöön liittyy nuorilla itsetuhoisuuden riski. Suomen lääkärilehti, 77(1-2), 53-56.

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