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Deletion of TOP3², a Component of FMRP-Containing mRNPs, Contributes to Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Published 4.8.2013


Implicating particular genes in the generation of complex brain and behavior phenotypes requires multiple lines of evidence. The rarity of most high-impact genetic variants typically precludes the possibility of accruing statistical evidence that they are associated with a given trait. We found that the enrichment of a rare chromosome 22q11.22 deletion in a recently expanded Northern Finnish sub-isolate enabled the detection of association between TOP3B and both schizophrenia and cognitive impairment. Biochemical analysis of TOP3β revealed that this topoisomerase was a component of cytosolic messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs) and was catalytically active on RNA. The recruitment of TOP3β to mRNPs was independent of RNA cis-elements and was coupled to the co-recruitment of FMRP, the disease gene product in fragile X mental retardation syndrome. Our results indicate a previously unknown role for TOP3β in mRNA metabolism and suggest that it is involved in neurodevelopmental disorders.

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Georg Stoll, Olli P H Pietiläinen, Bastian Linder, Jaana Suvisaari, Cornelia Brosi, William Hennah, Virpi Leppä, Minna Torniainen, Samuli Ripatti, Sirpa Ala-Mello, Oliver Plöttner, Karola Rehnström, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, Teppo Varilo, Jonna Tallila, Kati Kristiansson, Matti Isohanni, Jaakko Kaprio, Johan G Eriksson, Olli T Raitakari, Terho Lehtimäki, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Veikko Salomaa, Matthew Hurles, Hreinn Stefansson, Leena Peltonen, Patrick F Sullivan, Tiina Paunio, Jouko Lönnqvist, Mark J Daly, Utz Fischer, Nelson B Freimer, Aarno Palotie

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Stoll, G., Pietiläinen, O. P. H., Linder, B., Suvisaari, J., Brosi, C., Hennah, W., Leppä, V., Torniainen, M., Ripatti, S., Ala-Mello, S., Plöttner, O., Rehnström, K., Tuulio-Henriksson, A., Varilo, T., Tallila, J., Kristiansson, K., Isohanni, M., Kaprio, J., Eriksson, J. G., Raitakari, O. T., … Palotie, A. (2013). Deletion of TOP3β, a component of FMRP-containing mRNPs, contributes to neurodevelopmental disorders. Nature neuroscience, 16(9), 1228–1237.

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