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Follow-up of the Finnish Asthma Programme 2000-2010: Reduction of Hospital Burden Needs Risk Group Rethinking

Published 11.2.2013


The Finnish Asthma Programme 1994-2004 focused on early intervention and disease control, thereby resulting in a significant reduction of asthma morbidity. During the follow-up period from 2000 to 2010, the number of hospital days continued to fall by 54%. Patients ≥65 years, especially women, accounted for 39% of the hospital days, and they need attention if the hospital burden is to be reduced further.

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Paula Kauppi, Miika Linna, Jaana Martikainen, Mika J Mäkelä, Tari Haahtela

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Kauppi, P., Linna, M., Martikainen, J., Mäkelä, M. J., & Haahtela, T. (2013). Follow-up of the Finnish Asthma Programme 2000-2010: reduction of hospital burden needs risk group rethinking. Thorax, 68(3), 292–293.

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