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Medicines in 2012

Published 1.1.2013


In 2012, medicines were sold for the sum of EUR 2,740 million, which is a 2.2% increase from the previous year. Of the total sales, 71% was attributable to prescription-only medicines used in outpatient care (EUR 1,943 million), 12% to over the counter medicines (EUR 323 million) and 17% to medicines used in inpatient care (EUR 475 million).

Retail prices (inclusive of tax) were used to calculate outpatient medicine sales, and wholesale prices were used to calculate inpatient medicine sales. Nicotine products are not included in the retail price figures because, in addition to pharmacies, they are also sold in other outlets. In this article, the term “sales” is used hereafter to refer to the sales of medicines at wholesale prices. 

A total of 3.9 million individuals received reimbursement payments for their medicines under the Health Insurance Scheme. The reimbursement costs totalled EUR 1,303 million, which shows a 3% increase from the previous year. EUR 354 million was paid as reimbursement for medicinal products in the Basic Refund Category, EUR 247 million for products in the Lower Special Refund Category and EUR 595 million for those in the Higher Special Refund Category. Moreover, a total of EUR 106 million was paid as Additional Refunds to those whose personal drug payments exceeded the limit set for the calendar year.

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Annikka Kalliokoski, Leena K. Saastamoinen, Jaana E. Martikainen, Tinna Voipio

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Kalliokoski, A., Saastamoinen, L. K., Martikainen, J. E., & Voipio, T. (2013). Medicines in 2012. In Suomen lääketilasto 2012 (Pp. 24-38). Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus Fimea & Kansaneläkelaitos.

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