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Sickness Allowance, Rehabilitation and Unemployment History of Disability Retirees: A Register Based Study

Published 16.6.2014


This report examines the sickness allowance, rehabilitation and unemployment history of persons retiring on a disability pension, using data that combines register information from the Social Insurance Institution (Kela) and the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Everyone aged thirty or more whose disability pension based on the earnings-related or the national pension scheme started during 2011 was included in the data. Already ten years prior to the start of disability pension, the share of sickness allowance recipients and the number of sickness allowance days were larger for persons retiring on a full disability pension than for a control group of the same age. For many, however, the number of sickness allowance days was quite modest, and the first period of sickness allowance lasting over 60 days did not begin until the last or second last year preceding disability retirement. The 
share of participants in rehabilitation arranged by Kela and the earnings-related pension providers was small, and rehabilitation concentrated to the last years. However, unemployment prior to disability retirement proved fairly common. Persons retiring on a partial disability pension had more sickness allowance and rehabilitation and less unemployment than those retiring on a full disability pension. 

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Mikko Laaksonen, Jenni Blomgren, Raija Gould 

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: no.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Laaksonen, M., Blomgren, J., & Gould R. (2014). Työkyvyttömyyseläkkeelle siirtyneiden sairauspäiväraha-, kuntoutus- ja työttömyyshistoria: rekisteripohjainen tarkastelu. Eläketurvakeskus.

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