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How to Support Studies and Employment of a Young Person With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Published 22.8.2014


The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) is increasing. According to current knowledge, even those with disorders at the high-functioning end of the spectrum are at high risk of falling out of educational and professional life. They are known to benefit from educational and employment support, but the present public service system does not seem to be adjusted to the unique set of ASD features. This systematic review assesses the state of the art in the research on interventions aimed at supporting education and employment of young adults (aged 16−30) with high-functioning or mild ASD. The evidence from 25 research articles shows that modern intervention research is scant, heterogenic in participant characteristics, contents of the intervention and measures of progress, and generally of quite low quality. Thus, it does not allow us to make large-scale comparisons or draw conclusions about the efficacy of a particular type of intervention. However, some common practical principles can be seen in the data gathered. Postsecondary education is supported only indirectly by enhancing social interaction, cognitive skills and self-regulation, while employment is supported by improving the job-seeking and work-related skills directly. Simple rules, flowcharts and electronic devices are often used, and families and employers can be involved in the delivery of the intervention and as a source of information about its outcome. The importance of the facilitators’ knowledge of and experience in working with ASDs is frequently pointed out. When the group format is used, participants are carefully chosen to ensure the coherence of the group. The results are invariably positive, but often the quality of the research, possible negative effects and the criteria for implementation are not evaluated critically. New scientific evidence is expected to shed more light on the efficient elements of interventions and their suitability for each individual case.

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Svetlana Kirjanen, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, Ilona Autti-Rämö

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: no.
  • Cite as: Kirjanen, S., Tuulio-Henriksson, A., & Autti-Rämö, I. (2014). Miten tukea opintoja ja työllistymistä, kun nuorella on autismikirjon häiriö? Suomen lääkärilehti69(34), 2039–2044.

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