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Asthma and Allergy Costs in Finland Are High But Decreasing

Published 28.2.2014



As a part of the Finnish Allergy Programme 2008-18 we aimed to analyse today’s costs in asthma and allergic diseases as well as their trends in recent years. One of the main objectives of the programme is a 20% decrease in the economic burden due to allergic diseases.


We studied outpatient visits and hospital days in specialized care and primary health care in asthma and allergy. In addition, we studied costs for rehabilitation and drugs and their trends between 2000 and 2011 using hospital discharge register information, hospital benchmark registry data, and data on drug sales. Permanent work disability was followed through national registers and short-term sickness absences and reduced working capacity while at work by self-reported information in a questionnaire study.


The total costs in asthma and allergy were 1.3-1.6 billion euros in 2011. The direct costs were 319 million euros. Costs were mostly due to asthma (206 million euros), allergic rhinitis (39.4 million) and atopic eczema (34.1 million). The total costs of drugs amounted to 180.0 million euros. Drugs costs accounted for 73% of the costs in allergic rhinitis, 60% in asthma and 50% in allergic contact eczema. Visits in specialized health care amounted to 45.2 million euros and visits in primary care to 28.4 million euros. Allergy diets at schools and cow´s milk allergy in infants were responsible for 65% of the total costs of food allergy (20.4 million in total).

The annual direct costs and disability pensions decreased by 9% from 2000 to 2011 and by 6% from 2007 to 2011. Between 2000 and 2011 drug costs in asthma increased by 32% and costs in hospital days decreased by 38%. The number of patients receiving rehabilitation decreased by 60% in asthma as well as in atopic eczema.

The annual indirect costs due to allergy and asthma were estimated as 1.0-1.3 billion euros in total. Reduced working capacity accounted for 50%, whereas sickness absence and disability retirement each accounted for a quarter of the total indirect costs. The paid disability pensions amounted to 42.7 million euros of which 75% were for asthma and 16% for allergic contact eczema. Pension expenditures have decreased 20% since 2007.


Asthma and allergic diseases are common diseases and, because of being widespread, they incur substantial costs in health care. In addition occasional sickness absences and symptoms at work of the large number of allergic people result in high productivity losses. Adequate diagnostic procedures, advanced medication and self-management plans form the basis for cost management in addition to controlling hospital days and emergency visits.

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Juha Jantunen, Paula Kauppi, Miika Linna, Jaana Martikainen, Mika Mäkelä, Anna Pelkonen, Tari Haahtela

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: no.
  • Cite as: Jantunen, J., Kauppi, P., Linna, M., Martikainen, J., Mäkelä, M., Pelkonen, A., & Haahtela, T. (2014). Astman ja allergian kustannukset ovat suuret mutta laskussa. Suomen lääkärilehti, 69(9), 641–646.

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