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Parenting Related Worry and Self-Expressed Psychological Wellbeing Among Parents of Children With Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Published 24.11.2017



The present study examines parenting related worry and its association with psychological wellbeing in parents enrolled to family intervention. Multi-systemic intervention program is designed for children (aged 5–12) with neuropsychiatric disorders and possible comorbid disruptive behavior problems, and their family members.


We utilized pen-and-paper questionnaires in this correlational and cross-sectional study design. Altogether 186 mothers and 144 fathers from 198 families participated in the study.


Parenting related concerns were relatively common in our study sample. Yet, for some parents the concerns were at most mild. Surprisingly, parenting related worry was not related to child-related factors (e.g. ICD-10 diagnostic groups). Mothers expressed more parenting stress than fathers. Mothers were also more likely to express depressiveness, loneliness and anxiety when compared to fathers. Importantly, however, increased parenting related worry was associating with depressiveness, decreased quality of life, loneliness and anxiety among mothers and fathers in a similar way.


Children’s neuropsychiatric disorders and possible comorbid disruptive behavior problems are associating with the increased parenting related concerns and difficulties. The relatively strong association between parenting related worry and decreased parental psychological wellbeing should be acknowledged when providing personalized care for children and their families. 

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Miika Vuori, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, Ilona Autti-Rämö 

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: no.
  • Cite as: Vuori, M., Tuulio-Henriksson, A., & Autti-Rämö, I. (2017). Vanhemmuuteen liittyvät huolenaiheet ja psyykkinen hyvinvointi neuropsykiatrisesti oireilevien lasten huoltajilla. Kuntoutus, 40(3-4), 20–33.

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