Development of Informal Care and Family Care in 2015–2018: Conclusions and Recommendations for Further Measures
This report presents statistical and research data on informal care and family care from various viewpoints. The report includes several documents. First, a survey of the National Institute for Health and Welfare studies the effects of amendments to the Informal Care Act, Family Care Act and Social Welfare Act, and clarifies, how the relating central government transfers to local government, have been used by municipalities. The report also contains articles on surveys by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, presents national statistics, and reviews non-governmental organisations’ activities.
The development of informal and family care has been assessed based on the information gathered, and conclusions and recommendations have been made for further measures. Informal care has become slightly more common in all age groups, but particularly regarding older people. There are significant regional differences in the coverage of informal care. Informal caregivers are most often women in pensionable age. Municipalities are increasingly offering training, wellbeing checks, and medical examinations to informal caregivers. Some counties have employed more family carers to provide services in clients’ homes, which allows informal caregivers some free time. Informal caregivers have free time slightly more often than before. Family care of older persons has become more common, particularly in those counties that piloted the key project on improved home care and enhanced informal care.
The increase of central government transfers to local government (EUR 95 million) has improved some municipalities’ support to informal caregivers and family carers. It was, however, not possible to assess the effects of additional financing in all municipalities.
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Päivi Tillman
Additional Information
- Peer-Reviewed: no.
- Open Access: yes.
- Cite as: Tillman, P. (2019). Omaishoitajat rekisteritietojen valossa. Omaishoitajien ja hoitopalkkioiden määrä, tulotaso ja tiettyjen Kelan etuuksien käyttö. In A. Noro (Ed.). Omais- ja perhehoidon kehitys vuosina 2015–2018: Päätelmät ja suositukset jatkotoimenpiteiksi (Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön raportteja ja muistioita 61). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.