Evaluation of the Finnish Basic Income Experiment
The Finnish Basic Income Experiment was carried out in 2017–2018. The primary objective of the experiment was to provide information on the effects of a basic income on the target population’s employment, income and use of social benefits. An additional objective was to provide information on the well-being of the recipients of the basic income. 2,000 people who were aged 25–58 and receiving unemployment benefits from Kela in November 2016 were randomly selected to form the treatment group of the basic income experiment. Everyone else who was receiving unemployment benefits at the time formed the control group. The basic income was an unconditional benefit which did not have to be claimed, and for which there were no special conditions. The basic income was paid to the treatment group unconditionally for two years, and was not affected by any income from employment or entrepreneurship. This report includes the results from the sub-studies of the evaluation of the experiment. According to an analysis of the register data, during the one-year assessment period employment in the treatment group on average increased by 6 days more than in the control group. Sub-studies based on survey data analyzed the health, mental well-being, economic situation, trust and experiences with the bureaucracy of the treatment and control groups. With regard to a number of indicators, the well-being of the basic income recipients was better than that of the control group. Qualitative interview research shows, on the one hand, the very differentmeanings of basic income for one's own employment opportunities and, on the other hand, large differences in the starting points and life situations of basic income recipients. Better opportunities for social participation and increased autonomy were highlighted regardless of changes in one’s own employment. A media analysis found that the basic income experiment was covered in the domestic and international media, above all from an economic and employment perspective. In a population survey measuring support for a basic income, 46 % of respondents agreed or partially agreed with the statement that a basic income should be implemented in Finland.The evaluation of the basic income experiment was carried out by Kela, together with the VATT Institute for Economic Research, the University of Turku, the University of Helsinki, the Labour Institute for Economic Research, the Finnish Central Association for Mental Health and the think tank Tänk.
Full text (julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi)
Olli Kangas, Signe Jauhiainen, Miska Simanainen, Minna Ylikännö
Additional Information
- Peer-Reviewed: no.
- Öppen tillgång: yes.
- Cite as: Kangas, O., Jauhiainen, S., Simanainen, M., & Ylikännö, M. (2020). Suomen perustulokokeilun arviointi. Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö. http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-00-9890-2