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The Construction of Dimensions of Subjective Well-Being  Among Unemployed Persons Receiving Basic Unemployment Benefts in Finland

Published 1.4.2020


In this article we examine the construction of different dimensions of subjective well-being among unemployed persons receiving basic daily allowance and labour market support from Kela. We know from earlier research that on average, the unemployed have lower subjective well-being than the employed. However, some people maintain a good level of subjective well-being even during unemployment. We are interested to 
fnd out how the construction of well-being in this group of people differs from the construction of well-being in other unemployed groups: How are the different dimensions of subjective well-being constructed in these two groups of unemployed persons? 

Nationally representative data were collected from 946 recipients of basic unemployment benefts in Finland in 2017. The data were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM) with confrmatory factor analysis.

The dimensions of subjective well-being are differently constructed in the two unemployed groups. In contrast to the group with high subjective well-being, all dimensions of well-being are interconnected in the lower subjective well-being group. In the group of high subjective well-being, the dependencies between the different dimensions of well-being are 1) the dimension 
of health and work ability and the standard of living, and 2) the dimension of mental well-being and social capital. 

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Johanna Aarnio, Olli Kangas, Minna Ylikännö

Additional Information

  • Peer-Reviewed: yes.
  • Open Access: yes.
  • Cite as: Aarnio, J., Kangas, O., & Ylikännö, M. (2020). Subjektiivisen hyvinvoinnin osa-alueiden rakentuminen työmarkkinatukea ja peruspäivärahaa saavilla työttömillä. Yhteiskuntapolitiikka, 85(2), 168–180.

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