I am a researcher at Kela’s Research Unit. My research areas include social security benefits and how changes in them affect population incomes, incentives to work, health, and wellbeing. My ongoing research projects concern the impact assessment of the Finnish basic income experiment and the COVID-19 crisis.
- social security and taxation
- register-based research
- microsimulation study
- field tests
Ongoing research projects
- The Effectiveness of Social Assistance in Different and Changing Life Situations of Adolescents
- The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Gender Equality in Finland (
- EUROMOD Update Project for Finland
Recent publications:
- Mesiäislehto, M., Elomäki, A., Närvi, J., Simanainen, M., Sutela, H., Räsänen, T. (2022): The gendered impacts of the Covid-19 crisis in Finland and the effectiveness of the policy responses: Findings of the project “The impact of the Covid-19 crisis in Finland”. Discussion paper. Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, 2/2022.
- Kangas, O., Jauhiainen, S., Simanainen, M., Ylikanno, M. (eds.) (2021). Experimenting with Unconditional Basic Income: Lessons from the Finnish BI Experiment 2017-2018. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Kangas, O., Simanainen, M. The Finnish social security system: Background to the Finnish basic income experiment.
- Simanainen, M. The bureaucracy of claiming benefits.
- Simanainen, M., Kangas, O. What explains the popular support for basic income?
- Simanainen, M., Tuulio-Henriksson, A. Subjective health, well-being and cognitive capabilities.
- Pulkka, V.-V., Simanainen, M. (2021). Socio-Economic Performance of European Welfare States in Technology-Induced Employment Scenarios. Journal of Social Policy, 1-25.
- Simanainen, M. (2021). Perustulo ja mielenterveys. Lääkärilehti, 37/2021.
- Hämäläinen, K., Kanninen, O., Simanainen, M., Verho, J. (2020). Perustulokokeilun arvioinnin loppuraportti: Rekisterianalyysi työmarkkinavaikutuksista. VATT muistio, 59.
- Hämäläinen, K., Kanninen, O., Simanainen, M., Verho, J. (2019). Employment effects for the first year of basic income experiment. In Kangas, O., Jauhiainen, S., Simanainen, M., Ylikännö, M. The Basic Income Experiment 2017–2018 in Finland. Preliminary results. Reports and Memorandums of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, 2019:9.