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Tuija Korpela.

Tuija Korpela

Researcher, Research Unit


I have focused especially on research related to basic social assistance and income security benefits in Kela. I have participated in the adequacy assessment of basic social security, studied the relationship between basic social security and last-resort social security and transitions between them, and produced plenty of data based on Kela’s registers to support decision-making. I am the responsible editor of the book Ojista allikkoon? Toimeentulotukiuudistuksen ensi metrit, which compiled studies on the initial stages of the transfer of the basic social assistance scheme to Kela and was published in autumn 2020. At the time of the COVID-19 epidemic, I closely followed how COVID-19 was reflected in the number of claims and recipients of Kela’s benefits.


  • basic social assistance
  • basic security
  • social policy
  • social security system
  • register-based research

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