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Have Finland Already Tackled the New Social Risks?

Julkaistu 1.1.2013


When analyzing "old" and "new" social risks many authors claim countries differ in terms of efficiency in addressing those risks. Scandinavian countries (representing social democratic model according to Gosta Esping Andersen typology) are generally considered, more than others, efficient in this respect. However they still face social risks and their social institutions are not perfect. To this end new concept of "new new" social risks has been introduced. Finland is one example of countries trying to address those risks. Among others, new technics of distribution of social benefits in this country may be considered as creating "new new" social risks.

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Laura Kalliomaa-Puha

Lisätietoja julkaisusta

  • Vertaisarvioitu: kyllä.
  • Avoin saatavuus: kyllä.
  • Koko viite: Kalliomaa-Puha, L. (2013). Have Finland Already Tackled the New Social Risks? Polityka Spoleczna, 9(1), 36–40.

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