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The Multifaceted Roles of the Social Investment State in Compensating, Accumulating and Multiplying Endowments Over the Life Cycle

Julkaistu 31.3.2017


Olli Kangas, Joakim Palme, Markus Kainu

Lisätietoja julkaisusta

  • Vertaisarvioitu: kyllä.
  • Avoin saatavuus: ei.
  • Koko viite: Kangas, O., Palme, J., & Kainu, M. (2017). The Multifaceted Roles of the Social Investment State in Compensating, Accumulating and Multiplying Endowments Over the Life Cycle. Teoksessa J. Erola, & E. Kilpi-Jakonen (toim.). Social Inequality Accross the Generations: The Role of Compensation and Multiplication in Resource Accumulation (s. 181–203). Edward Elgar. 

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