The Relational Conception of Wellbeing as a Catalyst for the Ecosocial Transition
Doubly exposed to mounting ecological havoc and social insecurity, our societies face what could be characterized as the paradox of progress: the harder unlimited progress has been pursued, the more destruction has followed. The great legitimizing idea of this chase of the Holy Grail is to enable a more prosperous life. To some extent, and particularly regarding material wealth, the goal has been achieved – for some. However, this does not mean that wellbeing for all is now accomplished. Instead, exponential economic growth has led our civilization to its breaking point. Ours is a world of a warming climate, acid oceans, polluted rivers, disappearing tropical forests, species on the verge of extinction, expanding slums, hunger, and untold human and animal suffering. The current technocratic and growth-oriented culture is also alienating, commodifying and detrimental to social relationships.
Tuula Helne, Tuuli Hirvilammi
Lisätietoa julkaisusta
- Vertaisarvioitu: kyllä.
- Avoin saatavuus: ei.
- Koko viite: Helne, T., & Hirvilammi, T. (2017). The Relational Conception of Wellbeing as a Catalyst for the Ecosocial Transition. Teoksessa A. Matthies, & K. Närhi (toim.). The Ecosocial Transition of Societies: the Contribution of Social Work and Social Policy (s. 36–53). Routledge.