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Fall Prevention in Education and Training of Healthcare Students, Professionals, and Non-Professionals

Julkaistu 1.1.2021


Falls are a significant and increasing threat to wellbeing and health of older adults in Finland. Education is a key factor to prevent falls. National recommendations have been published to guide the health care professionals' work in falls prevention. In addition, interprofessional collaboration between different organizations have been done to prevent falls. This collaboration has produced evidence-based falls risk assessment tools, falls prevention programs, and materials advising older adults to prevent falls. Healthcare and educational organizations use these methods and materials to educate professionals and students in the risk assessment and prevention of falls among older adults. Finland is a good example how healthcare professionals from different settings and universities have worked together to increase the knowledge about falls and skills to prevent falls. Good collaboration can prevent falls nationally.


Marja Anneli Äijö, Satu Havulinna, Saija Karinkanta, Tarja Tervo-Heikkinen, Eija Lönnroos

Lisätietoja julkaisusta

  • Vertaisarvioitu: kyllä.
  • Avoin saatavuus: ei.
  • Koko viite: Äijö, M., Havulinna, S., Karinkanta, S., Tervo-Heikkinen, T., & Lönnroos, E. (2020). Fall Prevention in Education and Training of Healthcare Students, Professionals, and Non-Professionals. Teoksessa P. Eklund. Integrated care and fall prevention in active and healthy aging. IGI Global.

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