Being Matters: A Holistic Conception of Wellbeing in the Shift Towards Strongly Sustainable Societies
The chapter argues that achieving sustainability requires a stronger conception of sustainable development, a more holistic conceptualisation of wellbeing, and connecting the two. First, the chapter explains why the current economistic interpretation of wellbeing in public and policy discourse both diminishes wellbeing and jeopardises sustainability. It will then present a framework of sustainable wellbeing (‘the Having-Doing-Loving-Being model’) that stresses the ecological embeddedness of wellbeing and the importance of a balanced view of its dimensions. In this framework, wellbeing is conceptualised in a holistic, multidimensional, relational and needs-based manner. The focus is particularly on the most neglected dimension of wellbeing, namely being, and on how being might promote sustainability. The chapter offers a positive vision of actualising both personal and planetary wellbeing by illuminating how living in harmony with one’s deepest needs can be reconciled with planetary boundaries and the wellbeing of other living beings and nature. The argumentation builds upon research on sustainable wellbeing, the eudaimonic theory of wellbeing, humanistic philosophy, needs theory, transpersonal and positive psychology, degrowth literature, deep ecology, and non-dual philosophy.
Tuula Helne
Lisätietoja julkaisusta
- Vertaisarvioitu: kyllä.
- Avoin saatavuus: ei.
- Koko viite: Helne, T. (2019). Being matters: a holistic conception of wellbeing in the shift towards strongly sustainable societies. Teoksessa K. J. Bonnedahl & P. Heikkurinen (toim.). Strongly sustainable societies: organising human activities on a hot and full earth (s. 229–246).